Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Week 9 -Discussion

Week 9 -Discussion

Q Be sure to include in-text citations in proper APA format. I've included a link with information on the basic's of APA citation. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Initial Post: From The Post Carbon Institute’s What is Sustainability: 'Unfortunately, in recent years the word sustainable has become widely used to refer merely to practices that are reputed to be more environmentally sound than others. Often the word is used so carelessly as to lead some environmentalists to advise abandoning its use. Nevertheless, the concept is indispensable and should be the cornerstone for all long-range planning.' By Monday of Week 2, post on the following using supporting information from the required reading: 1. Why is narrowing the definition of sustainability to the environmental dimension incorrect? What other dimensions of sustainability should we be sure to consider? 2. How can we be sure we use the terms sustainable/sustainability correctly? How does the fact that these terms might mean different things to different groups of people factor in? 3. Describe one recent example where you have seen the terms sustainable or sustainability being misused or used questionably? If nothing immediately comes to mind, keep an eye out for examples for a few days as you work, eat, shop, etc. Response posts: By Wednesday of Week 2, respond to at least two posts. In the scenario above describing the incorrect us of the term sustainable, can you think of additional factors that should be considered if the term is to be used correctly. Use information from the assigned readings to support your post. See rubric for grading criteria.

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1. Narrowing the meaning of the word sustainability to the environmental dimension is incorrect because sustainability applies even to the economic and social scope to ensure a balanced quality of life for humans. Sustainability applies to the economic sector to ensure policies developed will promote meaningful development for a long-term plan. In the social scope, sustainability encourages the integration of various social structures to promote peace among the people. The inclusion and observation of sustainability in the economic, social, and environmental views will promote a better quality of life for humans.